The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Lodge Park Academy

Lodge Park Academy understands the importance of a strong academic foundation. Our academy offers a diverse curriculum and enrichment offering to create well-rounded and confident students.

Academy Information

Lodge Park Academy is a non-selective, 11-18 mixed academy, situated on the edge of Corby in Northamptonshire. It is part of the David Ross Education Trust.

 At Lodge Park Academy we believe in choice not chance.  Through a high-quality education we work to secure a life of opportunities for every one of our students. We want them to be self-confident, tolerant and curious young people who can engage creatively with the world, demonstrating the LPA values of aspiration, ambition, respect, resilience, courage and gratitude.

Lodge Park is a family with an acute sense of belonging: we are proud of our community home and we support one another through sacrifice and encouragement to be the best version of ourselves.

By developing academic knowledge, problem-solving skills and the mindset of a champion, students will be fully prepared to progress to the next phase of their education or employment, empowering them to take their place and drive change in a rapidly evolving Corby and the world beyond.

 Our values and ethos

We are an inclusive academy that creates a safe, caring and focused environment. 

Ambition and Aspiration, Respect and Resilience, Courage and Gratitude.

We encourage a commitment to the shared values of Ambition and Aspiration, Respect and Resilience, Courage and Gratitude. Through the promotion of our values and the work we do through the House system, enrichment and co-curricular activities we encourage the students to feel a sense of belonging. We teach students that demonstrating our school values on a daily basis is key to success in both the classroom and outside of it

Our staff at Lodge Park provide a strong academic curriculum which is the foundation for achieving the highest standards and this is supported by a programme of enrichment and co-curricular activities that support the development of well-rounded and confident individuals. We make sure there is something for everyone at LPA including such activities as sport, music, dance, drama, Combined Cadet Force, and a range of other clubs and activities.

At LPA we believe that all students have the ability to succeed, and we ensure they are prepared to participate positively in our 21st century community. We are ambitious for all our students and provide access to high quality educational opportunities regardless of socio-economic background.

We want every student to be the very best they can be, and a credit to themselves and their community.