The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Lodge Park Academy

Lodge Park Academy understands the importance of a strong academic foundation. Our academy offers a diverse curriculum and enrichment offering to create well-rounded and confident students.


We offer a range of activities and clubs so that students can discover their passions and interests inside and outside the classroom.

For example:

The academy offers a wide range of music activities, which develop the all-round potential of our students.

A range of music teachers visit the academy and lessons are offered in woodwind, brass, keyboard, guitar, percussion, violin and voice. It is our aim that, through curriculum-based lessons, our students will experience a wide variety of musical education and have ample opportunities to participate in practical and theatrical work.

The academy has the benefit of a sound and vision recording studio, which is available for use by students – especially those in music and performing arts and the local community.

Student Leadership through the House System

Our Student Leadership is a crucial part of the academy’s structure, promoting the academy’s core values of Ambition and Aspiration, Resilience and Respect, Courage and Gratitude.

Our Student Leadership meet every two weeks with representatives from each tutor group to ensure that all students within Lodge Park Academy have a voice that is listened to, encouraging all students to voice their opinions and have their views considered in decisions which impact upon them.   This helps them to improve aspects of the school community by exercising their student rights and allowing them to take responsibility for decisions made. The discussions and decisions help to implement improvements to the school environment for learning and enjoyment.

Community Programmes

At Lodge Park Academy, we work closely with local primary schools and the community.

We work closely with our local feeder and other primary schools to ensure a smooth and effective transition from primary to secondary school.

In addition, we offer a variety of opportunities for primary students to come and learn within Lodge Park Academy and for our staff to visit local primary schools to support the transition process.