Lodge Park Academy values the individuality of all our students.
We are committed to giving all students every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards.
We do this by taking account of students’ varied life experiences and needs. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum and have high expectations for all students. The achievements, attitudes and well-being of all our students matter. This policy helps to ensure that this Academy promotes the individuality of all, irrespective of ethnicity, attainment, age disability, gender or background.
We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual students, or groups of students. This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our students.
We make this a reality through the attention we pay to the different individuals and groups of students within our Academy.
- Girls and boys
- Minority ethnic groups
- Children who need support to learn English as an additional language
- Children with special educational needs
- Able, gifted and talented children
- Children who enter the academy in year 7 at below the expected levels in English and Maths
- Children who are at risk of disaffection or exclusion
- Students with disabilities
- Students in receipt of pupil premium
- Children who are looked after
- Travellers
- Students transferring to the Academy at times additional to convention entry phase either from out of area or transferring within the authority.
We meet these needs through:
- Curricular opportunities for all our students which provides them with access and opportunity to support them in maximising their full potential
- Setting suitable learning challenges
- Responding to children’s diverse learning needs
- Overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of pupils
- Commitment to being a community Academy
- Commitment to develop the ‘Broadening Horizons’ provision
- Commitment to ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda
We achieve educational inclusion by continually reviewing what we do, through asking ourselves these key questions:
- Do all our students achieve their best?
- Are there differences in the achievement of different groups of children?
- What are we doing for those children who we know are not achieving their best?
- Are our actions effective?
- Are we successful in promoting racial harmony and preparing students to live in a diverse society?
Responsive teaching
We aim to give all our students the opportunity to succeed and reach the highest level of personal achievement. We analyse the achievement of individuals and different groups of students to support us with our planning and interventions. We use formative assessment to enable us to teach responsively, personalising the learning as we go, as well as using pre-planned intervention and scaffolds.
Teachers are familiar with the equal opportunities legislation covering race, gender and disability.
Teachers ensure that all students:
- Feel secure and know that their contributions are valued
- Appreciate and value the differences they see in others
- Take responsibility for their own actions
- Are taught in groupings that allow them all to experience success
- Use materials that reflect a range of social and cultural backgrounds, without stereotyping
- Have a common curriculum experience that allows for a range of different learning styles
- Have challenging targets that enable them to succeed
- Participate fully, regardless of disabilities or medical needs
Provision for students with Special Educational Needs
Lodge Park Academy values all students. We are fully committed to providing each student opportunities to achieve the highest of standards. We value the individuality of our students and promote inclusive learning.
Lodge Park Academy’s Special Educational Needs department takes responsibility for the inclusion and learning of students with learning difficulties. From the transition stage in Year 6, we take an active interest in the varied experiences and needs of our students. We ensure we liaise closely with feeder schools and have an understanding of needs before students arrive in Year 7.
Lodge Park Academy is fully committed to the ‘Every Child Matters’ principles and the revised SEN Code of Practice. We work to ensure discrimination in any form is avoided. We work to remove barriers to learning and participation which can sometimes hinder inclusion.
Lodge Park Academy seeks to assist students both academically and socially so that they may develop skills which are transferrable to all stages of life. We fully appreciate the different individuals who make up our student body and we promote this irrespective of ethnicity, attainment, age, disability, gender or background.
Learning Support
Some of our students experience difficulty in coping with certain aspects of education. These can present themselves in aspects of specific difficulties, emotional well-being, behaviour and attendance. We are able to provide support for students which is tailored to their individual needs and which is reviewed regularly to ensure the support is current and aiding progress.
Special Education
Please see our SEND page.
Provision includes:
- Close liaison with feeder schools
- Individualised assessments to ascertain type of SEN and appropriate provision (using the graduated approach as per the revised Code of Practice, 2014)
- Small group and individualised provision for learning support and emotional intervention
- Academy CPD to ensure staff are kept up to date on current issues
- In-class support for students with a statement of educational need or an EHC plan.
- Application for exam access arrangements
- Personalised programmes to ensure inclusion
- Regular liaison with parents to include formal annual reviews for students with a statement of educational need or an EHC plan
- Regular liaison with external agencies such as Connexions, Autism Outreach, Educational Psychologist, CAMHS as well as post KS4 providers
- Weekly meetings with the support team to ensure individual student needs are met
- Regular monitoring of progress both across the curriculum and within intervention
We provide teaching staff with Pupil Profiles for students with identified learning difficulties and who are on our SEN file. This information is provided by the student, the parents and the staff who work with the students – we encourage all stakeholders to actively contribute to support packages.
It is the expectation of the Academy that teachers modify teaching and learning expectations as appropriate for students with difficulties. Such modifications could include: additional time to complete tasks, modified resources and consideration of their pace of learning. Teachers are expected to give students with SEN the opportunity to develop skills in all aspects of the curriculum.
The SENCo leads a team of supporting staff who have experience in a number of specific learning areas such as literacy, numeracy, behaviour and emotional needs.
The support team work in a number of varying roles. Primarily they support students in the classroom ensuring they have full access to the curriculum by liaising with the class teacher and by consulting the available support documents.
Support staff also provide 1:1 intervention for social skills development, behaviour management strategy, 1:1 literacy support, 1:1 numeracy support, reading, scribing, accompanying on trips and providing a break and lunch provision for vulnerable students.
The support team are based in the ILC (Inclusive Learning Centre) where we have the use of three learning areas, a meeting room and an office. We are located in a central part of the Academy which means that students can access our area if necessary and the team are able to have a central area from which to work.
Overall commitment to students
Our aim is to promote the Academy’s belief in ‘Broadening Horizons’ by providing flexible, child-friendly provision which addresses the needs of our students. We promise to make every effort to enable students to achieve their aims.
Disapplication and Modification
The Academy can, where necessary, modify or disapply the National Curriculum and its assessment arrangements. Our Academy policy is to do this only in exceptional circumstances. The Academy makes every effort to meet the learning needs of all its students without recourse to Disapplication or modification. We achieve this through greater differentiation of the students’ work, or through the provision of additional learning resources (see SEN provision).
In exceptional circumstances we may decide that modification or Disapplication is the correct procedure to follow. We would only do this after detailed consultation with parents. We would also ensure that every effort had been made to provide the necessary support from within the Academy’s resources before considering such action.
Sexism, racism or any act that is targeted to offend, harm or undermine a group or individual based on belief, background, gender or individuality.
The diversity of our society is addressed through curricular activities. Teachers are flexible in their planning and offer appropriate challenges to all students, regardless of ethnic or social background. All incidents of racism or any act which offends or undermines another student or group of students is serious and is dealt with formally.
The Academy recognises that bullying takes a number of forms and works actively to promote an understanding that bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Students are supported to report any incident which they believe may be bullying. All reported incidents are dealt with and support provided, when appropriate, for both the bully and the victim.
The Academy Offer
The Offer for Lodge Park Academy
Questions referenced to SEN (Information) Regulations (Clause 65) |
How does the school know if children need extra help and what should parents do if they think their child may have special educational needs?
The identification of need is by: 1. Primary School liaison; 2. SEN Co-Ordinator meeting parents of Year 6 students on request; 3. Screening students for reading age, dyslexic tendencies, examination board access arrangements; 4. Teaching staff and tutors referring to SEN Co-Ordinator; 5. Pastoral team referrals to SEN Co-Ordinator; 6. Parental enquiry at parents’ evening or by contact made with SEN Co-Ordinator; 7. Students themselves directly to SEN Co-Ordinator or via other staff, parents or friends. |
How is the decision made about how much individual support pupils will receive? |
1. The review of need is conducted three times per year through Pupil Profiles (inclusive of Individual Education Plans; feedback from on-going assessment in line with the academy assessment policy; discussion with the student, parents, staff and other professionals as appropriate and via the annual review process for students with statements of special educational needs or the updated Education Healthcare Plan. 2. Every student on the SEN register will have a Pupil Profile during this academic year. This gives information on the student’s needs, strategies to assist teaching and information on prior attainment. Students may remain on the SEN register at SEN support or be removed from the SEN register at a review. If the intervention listed for a student at SEN Support is ineffective, this will be discussed with Senior Leaders, SEN Co-Ordinator, student and parents who will decide if a move to formal assessment for an Education Healthcare Plan is appropriate. |
How does the school support pupils with special educational needs? |
The arrangements made for co-ordinating the provision of education for students with special educational needs and disabilities are: 1. Regular meetings with the Senior Leader who line managers the SEN Co-Ordinator; 2. SEN Co-Ordinator attendance at Subject Leader meetings to update on current best practice; 3. Informal liaison with staff as and when necessary; 4. Meetings with agency key workers to arrange and review input; 5. Weekly meetings of the SEN support staff team; 6. Regular liaison with the SEN Link Governor; 7. Review meetings of students with statements of educational need or Education Healthcare Plans. |
What mechanisms are in place for supporting pupils’ overall wellbeing? |
1. House Managers are available as a first point of contact for pupils with SEN to support attendance, behaviour and any day to day problems that may arise. The SEN support team take an active role in the support of these students on a daily basis. 2. All students with a statement of educational need or Education Healthcare Plan have an allocated Key Worker who discusses data reports 1:1 and is also available should the student require additional support. 3. The Academy has a Well-Being Officer and 6 staff are trained as Child Protection Officers. 4. The First Aider is trained to support students who take prescribed medicine and there are additional staff trained in First Aid should there be the need to cover the full-time First Aider. 5. The Academy employs an Education Welfare Officer to help monitor attendance in support of the Attendance Officer. 6. House Managers, the Well-Being Officer and SEN Co-Ordinator are trained to complete CAFF assessments. |
How will parents know how their child is doing?
1. In addition to reports being sent home 3 times per year, students on the SEN register have their review of need conducted at least 3 times per year through their Pupil Passports/profiles; 2. Feedback is received from staff in the form of on-going assessments in line with the Academy assessment policy; 3. Discussion with the student, parents, staff and other professionals as appropriate and via the annual review process for students with statements of special educational needs; 4. Calendared parents’ evenings where parents can raise any concerns they may have; 5. The SEN Co-Ordinator is contactable via telephone if parents have any concerns. |
How are parents involved in discussions about planning for their child’s education? |
1. Parents’ are involved via Parents’ Evenings and additional calendared events; 2. Parents receive copies of their child’s learning conversation (which takes place 1:1 with their child and Key Worker); 3. Input in to Pupil Profile – parents can give their ideas as to the support they feel their child needs; 4. Liaison with other agencies as appropriate; |
How are children able to contribute their views? |
1. Students can voice their views via the Student Council; 2. Students have an input into the suggested provision out lined on their Pupil Profile; 3. Students discuss their progress termly with their Key Worker. |
How is learning and development provision matched to individual pupils’ needs?
1. Students who enter the Academy below level in Literacy are supported through the Fresh Start programme; 2. Students who enter the Academy below level in Numeracy are supported in smaller groups; 3. Data collection points are used to identify those students who need additional support in Literacy and Numeracy; 4. Additional support is available from the SEN support team. |
How are the school’s resources allocated and mated to pupil’s SEN? |
1. The Academy’s SEN budget is the responsibility of the Senior Leadership team and SEN Co-Ordinator to allocate and support the pupils' needs. |
What specialist services and expertise are available at the school or accessed by the school? |
1. 3 staff are trained to deliver the Fresh Start programme to help raise Literacy levels; 2. Staff trained to screen for dyslexic tendencies; 3. The Academy has links with outside agencies who are able to advise about assessments for specific needs; 4. Regular liaison with an Educational Psychologist and CAMHS; 5. Regular liaison with the Visual Impairment team and Teacher of the Deaf; 6. The Academy has been identified as having good practice when conducting CAFs and we have excellent links within the CAF teams to be able to support both students and families requiring it. |
How accessible is the school/Academy environment? |
The Academy has 3 buildings. The main building is on 3 levels, accessible by lift to all floors. Lift passes can be issued where necessary to aide independent mobility in this building. There is a disabled toilet and showering facilities in the main block as well as another disabled toilet on the ground floor. All buildings are accessible by wheelchair. |
How are pupils included in activities outside the classroom including trips? (NB the DDA Reasonable Adjustments legislation expects schools / academies to be anticipatory in respect of school activities and trips)
Students are supported on trips and visits by a Learning Support Assistant when necessary. Parents have to complete a consent form.
If the trip is residential, the residential centre is informed of any additional needs and risk assessments are requested. |
What training have the staff supporting pupils with SEN had, or what are they expected to have? (NB under the SEN Code of Practice legislation, schools/academies need to offer high quality professional development and training to the work force.) |
1. Lodge Park Academy is committed to the continuing professional development of all staff. All teaching staff complete a weekly update on teaching and learning strategies. Sessions have included differentiation, using additional adults in the classroom, behaviour management, ASD awareness and strategy, support for dyslexia, support for VI and HI students; 2. Learning Support Assistants attend the same training and are also involved in the completion of the NVQ in Supporting Teaching and Learnings; 3. Staff are able to freely request training to help support pupils with SEN; |
How does the school prepare and support pupils to join the school, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life in order to ensure their well-being? |
1. The transition team are involved at the review of students who have a statement of educational need or an Education Healthcare plan. 2. The SEN Co-Ordinator attends annual reviews of students in Year 6; 3. Connexions attend annual reviews of students in Year 9 and Year 11 to ensure smooth transition; 4. Connexions engage with students with their post-16 choices and provide support reports to advise colleges of the needs of students with statements of educational need. |
Who can parents contact for further information? |
Parents can contact the SEN Co-Ordinator when necessary. There is also an independent service, Northamptonshire Parent Partnership, which is available to help. Their address can be obtained from the Academy. |
Information for Young Carers and their families
What is a young carer and what do they do?
A young carer is someone aged up to 18 who provides unpaid care for a family member or friend who has a long-term physical or mental health problem or disability, or a drug or alcohol dependency.
Some young carers are the main carers in the household; others supplement the caring undertaken by other members of the family.
The caring tasks include:
- Domestic tasks (e.g. cooking, cleaning, shopping)
- Personal care (e.g. helping with mobility; washing; dressing; giving medicine)
- Emotional support & supervision (e.g. watching over someone; providing company and a ‘listening ear’)
- Sibling care: Looking after an ill or disabled sibling (or a non-disabled sibling where a ill or disabled parent is unable to provide this care)
- Communication support (e.g. interpreting; answering phone or door)
- Financial management: (e.g. budgeting; paying bills)
- Self-care: Looking after themselves, where a ill or disabled parent is unable to provide this care
Difficulties with relationships, roles, routine and income are more likely to occur when a family member has a disability or long-term illness. Whilst some young people cope very well in these circumstances, there are many who experience stress-related problems and who struggle in their learning as a result.
How we support young carers at Lodge Park Academy
At Lodge Park Academy, we believe that all children and young people have the right to an education, regardless of what is happening at home.
When a young person looks after someone in their family who has a serious illness, disability or substance misuse problem, he or she may need a little extra support to help him or her get the most out of school. Our young carers statement says how we will help any pupil who helps to look after someone at home.
Our school:
- Has a member of staff with special responsibility for young carers and lets all new pupils know whom they are and what they can do to help. This person’s name and role is Mrs Grove, Designated Safeguard Lead.
- Can put young carers in touch with the local young carers service. We can also put families in touch with other support services.
- Is accessible to parents who have mobility and communication difficulties and involves them in parents’ evenings.
- Respects your right to privacy and will only share information about you and your family with people who need to know to help you.
- Offers emotional support through 1:1 sessions with our pastoral support worker.
- Offers ‘drop-in’ sessions and monthly sessions.
Contact details for Mrs Grove
01536 202817 Ext 127
Useful numbers and websites
Carers in Northamptonshire –
General Enquiries: 01933 677837
Carers Support Line: 01933 677907
The Carers Trust –
The Children’s Society
Telephone: - 0300 303 7000